Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Boston Banoffee Pie

Being the youngest sister has a few disadvantages, one of them being having to have repeated heartaches when each of your elder sister gets married and moves to another home and in my case, to different cities! But it has its many advantages as well :), one of it being getting treated with the various goodies from the cities they come from.

One of my sister was settled in a small city in kerala and this city had a lovely bakery where they would make the most delicious caramel tarts. I could eat it by a dozen. They were small tarts filled with what I figured was cooked condensed milk and bits of cashewnuts. It is one of the best desserts I have had :).

One fine day , the husband of another sister got her a gorgeous dessert book. She left it at home and I being the dessert maker I was, started trying out different recipes from it. There were not many recipes I could try as the ingredients were not available in the small city I was living in. Having tried all the gorgeous and possible desserts, I laid my eyes on this recipe. I gave it a try, failed miserably at the pie crust but fell in love with it. It almost tasted like those caramel tarts! I made it a number of times and each time the pie shell would stick to the pie tin and give us the most messy pie ever. Finally disheartened I stopped making it.

Now, more than a decade later I was craving to make this. My sister had lost her  book and google could not help me either. It only gave me cake versions of it. Few years later the book was finally found hidden in a carton, I pleaded to  my sister to click the recipe and send it to me. Even then it took me a year or more to finally make it and here it is. But again it wasn't a happy ending as I used dark brown sugar instead of light. Delicious nevertheless :)

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